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Datasheet Image Part Number Manufacturers Stock Description
2 3100Y30U8777CY TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY 25A 3P 208/240V
3 PCE-124D1MH,000 TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 10A 24V
2 FCAV-410-AV3 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 FCAV-410-AV3=4PDT 10A MID-RANGE
0 HJ2-AC220/240V-6 Panasonic Electric Works 5000 RELAY GEN PURP 2POLE
3 BR247D-600A2-28V Microchip Technology 5000 RELAY
2 3100Y30U9777CY TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY 30A 3P 208/240V
0 S87R5A2B1D1-120 TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 20A 120V
2 FCAV-410-AV4 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 FCAV-410-AV4=4PDT 10A MID-RANGE
0 HJ2-AC220/240V-R Panasonic Electric Works 5000 RELAY GEN PURP 2POLE
2 3186Y30I90777CJ TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY CONTACTOR
0 S89R11AAC1-24 TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY IMPULSE DPDT 15A 24V
3 BR247D-600A2-28V-008L Microchip Technology 5000 RELAY
2 FCAV-410-BV3 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 FCAV-410-BV3=4PDT 10A MID-RANGE
0 HJ2-AC220/240V-R-6 Panasonic Electric Works 5000 RELAY GEN PURP 2POLE
2 3186Y30J75777CJ TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY CONTACTOR
3 S87R5A2B1D1-24 TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 20A 24V
3 BR247D-600A3-28V Microchip Technology 5000 RELAY
2 FCAV-410-BV4 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 FCAV-410-BV4=4PDT 10A MID-RANGE
0 HJ2-AC24V-6 Panasonic Electric Works 5000 RELAY GEN PURP 2POLE
2 3186Y30J90777CJ TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY CONTACTOR