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Datasheet Image Part Number Manufacturers Stock Description
1 R74-11D1-6SM NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY DPDT 1AMP 6VDC
3 4-1393819-9 TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOSE 4PDT 2A 24VDC
1 R57-1D.5-24 NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.5AMP-DC 24V
1 R74-11D1-24SM NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY DPDT 1AMP 24VDC
2 5-1617515-5 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 RELAY GENERAL PURPOSE DPDT 2A
1 DS2E-SL2-DC3V Panasonic Electric Works 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOSE DPDT 2A 3VDC
1 R57-5D.25-24D NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.25AMP-DC 24V/DIODE
2 3SBC2093A2 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOS DPDT 2A 26.5VDC
1 R72-11D1-12C NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-DPDT-1AMP-12VDC
1 R57-2D.5-5/6D NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.5AMP-DC 5/6V/DIODE
2 1-1617354-1 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 SF5357W02=SF5000 SENSITIVE FUL
1 TXS2SS-24V-X Panasonic Electric Works 5000 RELAY GEN PURPOSE DPDT 1A 24VDC
1 R56-7D.5-6 NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.5AMP-DC 6V
2 8-1617515-2 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 RELAY GENERAL PURPOSE 4PDT 2A
1 R57-5D.25-5/6D NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.25AMP-DC5/6V/DIODE
1 R57-2D.5-12D NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.5AMP-DC 12V/DIODE
2 1617076-2 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 5000 RELAY GENERAL PURPOSE 4PDT 2A
1 R56-7D.5-12 NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-.5AMP-DC 12V
1 R40-11D2-12C NTE Electronics, Inc 5000 RELAY-DPDT 2AMP 12VDC