You are here: Home >> Product >> Connectors, Interconnects >> Rectangular Connectors - Arrays, Edge Type, Mezzanine (Board to Board)
Datasheet Image Part Number Manufacturers Stock Description
2 DF12NC(3.0)-30DS-0.5V(51) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN RCPT 30POS SMD GOLD
1 0541020604 Molex 5000 CONN RCPT 60POS SMD GOLD
3 WR-40SB-VFH30-N1 JAE Electronics 5000 CONN RCPT 40POS SMD GOLD
1 SS4-30-3.00-L-D-K-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SOCKET 60POS SMD GOLD
1 LSS-140-02-F-DV-A Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SELF-MATE 80POS SMD GOLD
2 5046181012 Molex 5000 CONN RCPT 10POS SMD GOLD
1 SS4-15-3.00-L-D-K-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SOCKET 30POS SMD GOLD
2 DF9B-41S-1V(69) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN RCPT 41POS SMD GOLD
1 145846020000829+ KYOCERA AVX 5000 CONN PLUG 20POS SMD GOLD
2 LSS-120-03-F-DV-A Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SELF-MATE 40POS SMD GOLD
3 5177985-3 TE Connectivity AMP Connectors 5000 CONN RCPT 80POS SMD GOLD
1 ERF8-013-01-L-D-RA-L-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SOCKET 26POS SMD GOLD
1 5035521422 Molex 5000 CONN PLUG 14POS SMD GOLD
0 FX20-20S-0.5SH Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN RCPT 20POS R/A SMD GOLD
3 DF17B(4.0)-30DP-0.5V(57) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 30POS SMD GOLD
2 DF12B(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 30POS SMD GOLD
2 FX11LB-100P/10-SV(71) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 100POS SMD GOLD
1 ST4-40-1.00-L-D-P-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN HDR 80POS SMD GOLD
3 FX18-80P-0.8SH Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 80POS R/A SMD GOLD
2 245811302010829+ KYOCERA AVX 5000 BOARD TO BOARD 3 PINS