You are here: Home >> Product >> Connectors, Interconnects >> Rectangular Connectors - Arrays, Edge Type, Mezzanine (Board to Board)
Datasheet Image Part Number Manufacturers Stock Description
1 145046060135868+ KYOCERA AVX 5000 BOARD TO BOARD
1 ERM8-030-01-S-D-RA-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN HDR 60POS R/A SMD GOLD
3 DF40TC(3.0)-20DS-0.4V(58) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN 0.4MM RCPT SMD 20POS
1 LSS-120-02-L-DV-A-K Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SELF-MATE 40POS SMD GOLD
1 ST4-40-2.50-L-D-P-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN HDR 80POS SMD GOLD
3 FX18-140P-0.8SV10 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 140POS SMD GOLD
2 FX8C-60P-SV6(92) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 60POS SMD GOLD
1 145046070530868+ KYOCERA AVX 5000 BOARD TO BOARD
1 QSE-020-01-L-D-A-K Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN RCPT 40POS SMD GOLD
2 BK13C06-40DS/2-0.35V(895) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN RCPT 0.35MM SMD 40POS
2 FX10A-100P/10-SV(71) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 100POS SMD GOLD
3 FX23-60P-0.5SV15 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 60POS SMD GOLD
1 ERM8-060-09.0-L-DV-K-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN HDR 120POS SMD GOLD
1 ERF8-010-01-L-D-RA-EGP-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SOCKET 20POS R/A SMD GOLD
0 TX24-80R-12ST-H1E JAE Electronics 5000 CONN RCPT 80POS VERT GOLD
3 DF17(1.0H)-80DP-0.5V(57) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 80POS SMD GOLD
2 ERF8-040-01-L-D-RA-L-TR Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SOCKET 80POS R/A SMD GOLD
3 BM28B0.6-34DP/2-0.35V(53) Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 34POS SMD GOLD
2 YTQ-105-01-L-Q Samtec Inc. 5000 CONN SKT 2MM PCB 4ROW 20POS
3 FX18-40P-0.8SV Hirose Electric Co Ltd 5000 CONN HDR 40POS SMD GOLD